Get Help
How to Get Help
If you need help from our foodbank there are a few ways to access our service.
The most important step is to get help
Obtain a food bank referral:
In order to provide the most appropriate help for the circumstances of your situation we work with local agencies. If they feel you are struggling to put food on the table, they will issue you with a foodbank voucher. The local agencies can also provide long term support if needed to help address some of the issues behind the reasons for your crisis.
When you visit a referral agency they will take some basic details from you to issue the foodbank e-voucher where appropriate. This will help them to identify the cause of your crisis and offer practical guidance. It also means we are able to prepare suitable emergency food for the right number of people.
Once you have been issued with an e-voucher, you can exchange this for a minimum of three days of emergency food at your nearest foodbank centre.
Agencies we work with include
- Help through Hardship (Trussell Citizens Advice) – 0808 2082138 Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
- Shropshire Citizens Advice – 01743 280019
- Housing Support Officers
- Shropshire Council Welfare Support Team – open Monday – Friday 8.45am – 5pm on 0345 6789078 Option 2.
- Children’s Centres and Schools
- Health Visitors
- Mental Health Services
- Social Services
Once you have been assigned a voucher, please collect your parcel from our Foodbank on either a Tuesday or Friday 9.30-10.30am at Parish Rooms, Church Street, Market Drayton TF9 1AF.
If you are unable to reach any of the above agencies, please don’t hesitate to visit the Foodbank during our opening times.
If you are a referral agency and would like to become registered to provide e-vouchers for our foodbank, please email us at [email protected] to find out more.